Are you looking to promote your website or product to get more exposure online?
If so, look no further; you can have your business or website listed on our website, which is an excellent way to transform our visitors into your potential buyers/ customers.
We are accepting banner ads of sizes 300 x 250 and 468 x 60. The 468 x 60 banner ads will be displayed on the website header of every page and at the bottom of the single post. In comparison, the 300 x 250 banners will be on the sidebar below the Video.
Sidebars are the right-hand side of our website.
Banner Ads Prices:
468 x 60 is $8.99 Per Month.
300 x 250 is $14.99 Per Month.
We currently have only four advertising slots.
If you would like to advertise, please get in touch with us using the contact form below.